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Artist Statement

The interplay of emotions and their resulting consequences are the elements which fuel the inspiration to Alison's paintings. Snapshots taken from memory can be hazy, crystal clear or somewhere in between where fiction begins. The paintings represent visual diaries where an event experienced becomes the ignition to each work. The compositions unfold as each mark meets one another creating new pathways and possible outcomes.


Taking references from personal life experiences along with stories from fiction and the media Alison builds a narrative in the form of paint using every event as an inspirational seed to each work. Drawing is central to Alison's work and each painting begins with a series of lines playfully moving around the space in correspondence to each other creating networks and chance encounters. Organically shaped forms build in patterned layers creating a collaged effect suggesting the fragmented nature of memory and how things can seem different when viewed from a distance. Radiant and vivid tones of paint sit alongside neutral and softly etched lines against a raw nude ground, using earthy tones and exposed canvas to create harmony. The works are titled to signify the moment the painting took a leap from the initial seed of an idea and the journey it went though to reach a conclusion. Considering how identity is partly shaped by what we experience

Alison uses her paintings to illustrate the layers we build within ourselves and how the stories we tell ourselves build who we become.

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